| New England Chapter Newsletter December 2021
Mark your calendars for our upcoming chapter meetings which includes the 2022 SFPE-NEC Annual Seminar in April – more details to come soon. Visit the SFPE NEC website to learn more and register for the events!
Golfers heading to their starting holes for the 2021 A.L. Brown Scholarship Golf Tournament. A foggy morning start but luckily the weather cleared up in time for some impressive finishes from this year’s participants, pictured above. Applications for the the upcoming A.L. Brown Scholarship are due March 24, 2022. Please visit the SFPE NEC website for additional information and to apply!
The SFPE NEC is a provider of continuing education credits, certified by the American Institute of Architects. That means you can now receive continuing education credits for attending our monthly meetings and the annual seminar. |
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