A.L. Brown Scholarship Golf Outing
We are excited to announce that the 2024 A.L. Brown Scholarship Outing will be held September 27th 2024, Click Here to Register
Each year, the New England Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers hosts the annual A.L. Brown Scholarship Outing at Cyprian Keyes Golf Club in Boylston, MA. Registration includes 18 holes of golf, golf cart, lunch, precision fitting, and gift bag. Each player also receives a complimentary gift certificate on the day of the event for a free round of golf on Cyprian's 18 hole course and Cyprian's 3-par golf course! A post-golf reception is held to award prizes and raffle off various golf equipment and gift certificates. The event raises money for the A.L. Brown Scholarship, which is awarded annually to New England students working on a bachelor or graduate degree in an engineering discipline with an interest in pursuing a career in fire protection engineering.
In September of 2022, the chapter hosted the 13th Annual A.L. Brown Scholarship Golf Outing included 70 players, raising a net donation of $8,000 to the A.L. Brown Scholarship Fund. We look forward to getting everyone back on the golf course this year!
We are currently looking for sponsors for Breakfast and Drink Tickets, see registration page for more information.
Please contact the golf committee (golf@sfpe-newengland.org) if you have any questions.