SFPE New England Corporate Sponsorship 2019-2020

  • June 12, 2019
  • May 31, 2020
  • SFPE New England


  • Golf Outing
    o Hole Sponsor
    o Four free registrations to participate in the tournament

    Annual Seminar
    o Exhibit space OR 1 Monthly Meeting Company Fast Pass
    o Four free registrations to attend the seminar

    o Company logo and link to website included on all SFPE New England event announcement emails
    o Company logo featured on the header of all pages on the SFPE New England website.
  • Golf Outing
    o Hole Sponsor
    o Four free registrations to participate in the tournament

    Annual Seminar
    o Exhibit space OR 1 Monthly Meeting Company Fast Pass
    o Two free registrations to attend the seminar

    o Company name and link to website included on all SFPE New England event announcement emails
    o Company logo featured on the sidebar of all pages on the SFPE New England website.
  • Golf Outing
    o Hole Sponsor
    o Four free registrations to participate in the tournament

    Annual Seminar
    o Exhibit space OR 1 Monthly Meeting Company Fast Pass
    o One free registration to attend the seminar

    o Company name featured on the sidebar of all pages on the SFPE New England website.
  • Advertising
    o Company logo and contact information featured on the sponsorship page of the SFPE New England website.

The New England Chapter of the SFPE solicits financial support from corporate sponsors to assist with the costs of the chapter’s annual golf outing, annual seminar, and monthly dinner meetings. All proceeds from these events support the A.L. Brown Scholarship fund, which provides financial assistance to students working towards degrees in Fire Protection Engineering. The support of corporate sponsors compensates for a portion of the costs of running these events, maximizing the financial aid the chapter is able to provide to students. This October, a total of $20,000 will be distributed to six scholarship recipients.

Our corporate sponsorship program allows our sponsors to provide financial support throughout the chapter year (June 1st to May 31st), and we offer four tiers of sponsorship. Some levels include registrations at the golf outing and seminar, in addition to the opportunity to advertise and exhibit at these events.

A full description of the sponsorship program is located on the Corporate Sponsorship page. 

Platinum Sponsors 





Gold Sponsors


Silver Sponsors



          Bronze Sponsors 



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New England Chapter of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers

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