Firedos - Wally barker, Technical Representative
Presentation agenda includes Firedos products and proportioning system design and maintenance.
Reliable Sprinkler- Todd Bresnahan, Northeast Regional Sales Manager
Storage sprinklers and how they can be used with FM’s new data sheet 8-9. He will also briefly discuss a couple new extended coverage listings.
Marrioff - Randy Edwards, Eastern Regional Manager
Pressure Watermist Fire Protection – The science behind high-pressure Watermist systems and the advantages in using up to 90% less water in fire protection.
The Viking Corporation - Rich Lambert, Northeast Regional Sales Manager and Tim Christie, Territory Sales Manager
Presentation on new Viking products including new residential sprinklers, extended coverage sprinklers, and the new G series valves.
Tyco Fire Suppression and Building Products - Kedric Bartsch, Project Manager
Tyco's new VIZOR electronic accelerator for dry sprinkler systems.
Agenda: 4:00pm - 5:30pm Board of Directors Meeting (Members Welcome!) 5:30pm - 6:30pm Registration & Cocktails (Attitude Adjustment) 6:30pm - 8:30pm Dinner & Program
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